Whole wheat bread products have been rising in popularity, thanks to their nutritional profile and healthy reputation. Still, baking with whole wheat can be a challenge. It’s easy to have loaves turn out dry, dense, and crumbly. So what’s the secret to baking whole wheat bread that’s actually enjoyable to eat and healthy?
To answer this question it helps to take a step back. What makes whole wheat bread different? The key factor is its bran, a part of the wheat kernel that is taken out in the milling of white flour. While it may add nutrition, it interferes with the starch and gluten in wheat, taking away volume. It also soaks up water, drying out the final bread product out.
Why does making quality whole wheat bread take so long?
Although producing whole wheat bread may be problematic, there are things you can do to counteract the bran. To help with volume and quality, you can add xylanase, phytase, vital wheat gluten, or malt flour.
However, one of the most effective ways to counter the negative effects of bran is to ensure that it is properly hydrated prior to mixing, so it doesn’t ‘steal’ liquid from the rest of the ingredients. This is usually done by soaking the bran for up to four hours in order to achieve a hydration level of 80% – 90%.
How can you completely remove 4 hours of bran soaking time?
If your bakery or plant works with a lot of bran, then you know the time drain, sq. ft. demanded, labor and sanitation issues related to soaking it. What if you could get optimal hydration levels without that step? Many companies are doing just that with the Rapidojet technology. With this patented method, bran is instantly hydrated via high pressure at up to 225% prior to the legacy mixer.

Whole wheat bread made with Rapidojet technology (left) vs. bread made with traditionally soaked bran (right).
What will you do with the extra time on your hands?
Increase your throughput and make better bread! Since the normal 2-4 hour soaking time is completely eliminated, you will have more space and time on your hands. These are the other benefits when you hydrate bran with Rapidojet:
- Due to the high impact of the water onto the bran, together with an increased surface bran area for hydration due to its free fall, bran hydration can go up 225%!
- Better loaf volume and more consistent product
- Since this water is tightly bound, it reduces water activity level (reduces mold potential).
- Increased total dough yield
- Improved sanitation and safety. No need to move and hold large troughs of soaking bran
- Better taste/flavor of the bread/rolls
- 10% reduced mix time in your legacy mixer.
- Longer shelf life is expected because the product is more moist, with a lower water activity.
Think of all the savings in time and labor without the added step of soaking bran!
As you can see, Rapidojet is more than a way to eliminate a step in the process or save money. It drastically improves the final quality of your product in more ways than one.
Learn more about how Rapidojet can revolutionize your products and operations!